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Pee Sightings at Night

Pee Sightings at Night of Women Peeing in Parking Lots

Dear Readers,
No new sightings last weekend, just an 'almost' pee sighting. I got out late for a short while on both Friday and Saturday nights, as it was clear but very cold - temps in upper 20's with a wind chill. Crowds were a little bigger than usual for this time of year, Saturday night's crowd pretty big - about like that of a September night. Of course men were peeing, and I saw what looked like a few women's puddles in some parking lots but didn't see any women pee. The closest I came on Friday was passing a group of 20's people standing on a street trying to flag down a cab. A slim blonde in the group was talking on a cell phone, and just as I walked by she pulled the phone away from her head and said, "I SO have to pee!" I liked that! She was very tense, squatting down by the street like she was peeing - she really wanted to! A cab stopped for the group a few minutes later, she got up and slowly got in the cab with her aching bladder and it drove off.
Saturday night I was walking by the big active parking lot and saw a group of people getting into a car in the big parking lot across the street. 2 ladies in the group wouldn't get in the car, instead went running down the alley behind the lot laughing and giggling. They went up by the backs of buildings looking around, I knew they wanted to pee. I crossed the street and entered that lot, as they went behind a parked truck behind a building. As I got there they came out, running down the alley to a driveway about 30 feet away laughing and acting silly. These were definite bimbos, a tall blonde in gray pants and white sweater (no coat) and a petite lady with long curly black hair in matching black leather pants and jacket. She was carrying a purse, dangling it on it's strap as they both went down the driveway and stopped at the fence to the garage entrance there. The short one was dancing around, starting to squat down and reaching for the side waists of her pants. The blonde prepared to stand guard, but then the short one said, "I can't do it. It's too damn cold to be pissin' outdoors!" They came out and ran back to the car where their friends were waiting, smiling at me as they passed. Too bad! I probably could not have snapped her anyway, as the blonde was going to stand guard if the petite one peed. I didn't know if the blonde was going to pee too, but I was pretty sure she needed to also.
This is the lot the RTD Supervisor parks in. At the end of the night when I was walking by this lot again on the way to my car to go home, I saw him standing between some dumpsters behind a building in the alley near where he sits in his RTD jeep. Was he? Yep, he came walking out and back towards his jeep zipping up the front of his pants! This surprised me, but maybe it shouldn't have.

November ends this week, it turned out to be a weak month after a nice start the first weekend - 7 sightings. It's only the 2nd month this year I didn't get a shot, and ties January for the 2nd lowest number of sightings this year (February was the worst month as usual, only 2 sightings). I remain at 169 sightings for the year, reaching that record of 180 now seems pretty unlikely.

December preview: The 11th ranked month for sightings, I have just 23 sightings and 4 shots over the last 7 Decembers - what I average in any 1 summer month for a year. That works out to an averages of 3 sightings and less then one shot, most of those come on New Year's Eve before midnight. I don't expect this year to be much different, even though the night crowds in the sightings area have been bigger all year. I will go out on weekends when the weather permits (it'll be OK this weekend) and write should I see anything. I know I likely won't see much, and won't write on those weeks unless I have some other news. But as history has told me, stranger things have happened!

Pee TV: While channel-flipping Sunday night, I caught a segment of the WB show 'Nikki'. It stars Nikki Cox, a 20-something sexpot the WB is trying to make into a sex symbol, as a Las Vegas showgirl married to a burly young man (Nick von Esmarch) who is trying to make it as a professional wrestler. The show is silly, but since there was some female pee humor on Cox's last WB show (Unhappily Ever After, in syndication just about everywhere), I tune in occasionally to this show.
In Sunday night's show, von Esmarch was to wrestle against a champion he supposedly had no chance against. His promoter set up an act where Nikki would come into the ring as von Esmarch was losing and try to get his attention, and the other wrestler would come over and start making out with her. They'd run out of the ring together, enraging von Esmarch and setting the stage for a rematch.
The match got underway. Von Esmarch was about to be pinned by the other wrestler, when Cox climbs into the ring wearing black leather hot pants and a tight sweater and starts shouting at the other wrestler.
He comes over and quickly picks her up, starts flirting with her and then starts kissing her. Von Esmarch yells out, "That's my wife!" and comes over to try to free her. The other wrestler runs out of the ring with her, throwing her over one shoulder like a bag of sand as he leaves the arena. Nikki is a bit panicked as her lower abdomen is bouncing on his shoulder as he walks, him holding the back of her legs by his chest with her bent over his shoulder, her upper body hanging down over his back. "Don't do this, I have to pee!", she says as they walk out of the arena. The scene shifts (after commercials) to them riding in the back of his limousine, on the way to his hotel. Nikki is telling him she really has to pee, can't make it to his hotel to use the bathroom, and could he tell the driver to stop by the side of the road. I loved this! Turns out she didn't have to pee, was trying to get him to stop the car so she could get out and run away because she didn't know or trust him.
On the Fox show 'The Street', they have regular scenes of ladies in business suits at the brokerage firm where everybody works going into the bathroom and hiking up their skirts as they go into a stall and close the door. The ladies have conversations while they're peeing, or while washing up with other ladies peeing behind them in the stalls. This idea is from the unisex bathroom scenes on Ally Mc Beal.

TV is changing for the better when it comes to women having to pee, now using it more in storylines. Let's hope this continues!

Note: Some of you wanted to know when the extra prints of the newest 7 shots I reviewed a few weeks ago were in so you could order your set. I got them about a week ago!

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