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Pee Sightings: Catch Desperate Women Pissing!

The Best Places Over the Years Where I've Caught Women Pissing.

Dear Readers,
during my usual thoughts this time of year about the top pee spots where women piss and changes in my pee sightings area for the new sightings year, I decided to make a chart of the area's top spots over my 17 years of sightings and how the patterns have changed.
I've been very lucky to have an area that continues to produce pee sightings so regularly for all these years!
My sightings area is roughly 12 square blocks, the meat of the area where most of the pee sightings happen being about 8 square blocks inside that 12-block area.
When I started back in '93, all the sightings came at the south end of the area which was where all the busy spots where women piss were and the area gradually grew north and west from there as development expanded the area. It's contracted a bit in recent years as development has gobbled up some once-productive spots, many of them not mentioned here as they weren't the top pee sightings spots where women piss.
The summary below will include the top pee sightings spot for each year starting with my first year in 1993: how many sightings it produced, how many of the year's pictures I got there and what's become of that spot in 2009.
1993: 151 pee sightings, 26 pictures, ladies peed in 41 different spots. Top spot: parking lot 1- a busy small parking lot at the south end of my sightings area across the street from a popular bar was the year's top spot with 18 pee sightings (11.9% of the year's total). I snapped 4 of the year's 26 pictures there (15.3%), after snapping my first-ever sightings picture in this lot the summer before in August '92. I started watching the lot heavily in '93, wanting to know if that fabulous '92 sighting and picture was a regular occurrence or I just got lucky. Up-date 2009: No sightings. That bar is long closed, 2 other bars also came and went in that space since then. The space has been vacant since last summer but a new restaurant has signed a lease to move in, the area is once again busy after several dormant years from new bars on the block around the corner (west), but the lot isn't full every weekend like it was then. Cops have a heavy presence on the corner of the newly active block on weekends, few ladies pee in lot 1 now and I don't spend much time there anymore.
1994: 141 pee sightings, 30 pictures, ladies peed in 43 different spots where women piss. Top spot: parking lot 1 again with 14 pee sightings (9.9%), I snapped just 1 of the year's 30 pictures there (3.3%). Boredom from watching the same area and not wanting to bring attention to myself hanging around all night made me start walking to other nearby areas, where I found sightings happening in other places too.
1995: 111 pee sightings, 12 pictures, ladies peed in 49 different spots. Top spot: 10 pee sightings in parking lot 2, just 2 blocks east of parking lot 1 in the same southern part of the area. New development had expanded the area 6 blocks east, where I also got 10 sightings in a big parking lot outside several restaurants and bars in the new area (parking lot 3), 18% of the year's total pee sightings between the 2 lots. 5 of the year's 12 pictures were snapped in the 2 lots, 41.2% of the year's pictures. Up-date 2009: A hi-rise condo sits where parking lot 2 used to be, parking lot 3 is still there but produced no sightings as the crowds are smaller and I rarely work that area.
1996: 111 pee sightings, 19 pictures, ladies peed in 46 different spots where women piss. Top spot: parking lot 4, the lot for an office building across the street from parking lot 3 in the new part of the area, produced 10 sightings (9% of the year's total) and none of the year's 19 pictures. Up-date 2009: No longer there, a parking garage was built on parking lot 4 around 2001.
1997: 123 pee sightings, 13 pictures, ladies peed in 52 different spots where women piss. 2 spots where women piss tied for the top spot with 8 pee sightings each: alley 1, 1 block west of the RTD block, and alley 2 - a popular alley behind the big active parking lot, a block north of the RTD block (parking lot 5). 13% of the year's sightings between the 2 alleys and none of the year's pictures. Up-date 2009: no sightings in either alley, they produce only a few per year at most now.
1998: 180 pee sightings, 22 pictures, ladies peed in a record 65 different spots where women piss. Top spot: alley 2 had 14 sightings as it and parking lot 5 - a block south of the new busy block - were drawing the huge crowds going to the busy block. Only 7.8% of the year's pee sightings because ladies used so many different spots and just 1 of the year's 22 pictures (4.5%). Up-date 2009: no sightings. Parking lot 5 (the big active lot) has been dripping with cops since 2004, so alley 2 behind it produces just a few sightings a year at most now.
1999: 150 pee sightings, 20 pictures, ladies peed in 47 different spots where women piss. Top spot: on the busy block in the new north end of the pee sightings area the alley behind it - "Valentines' alley" I call it - produced 29 sightings (19.3% of the year's pee sightings) and 3 of the year's 20 pictures (15%). One of the 3 pictures was a lady peeing in the back doorway of the corner bar in the alley on Valentine's night that year, which was why I called the alley Valentine's alley. Up-date 2009: No sightings. Heavy police coverage took over that block by 2001, police cars regularly driving through the alley and ladies stopped going there to pee. I rarely work the alley any more, just a few nights a year when cops aren't there.
2000: 178 pee sightings, 26 pictures, ladies peed in 44 different spots. Top spot: 23 sightings in the big active parking lot, 12.9% of the year's pee sightings. 4 of the year's 26 pictures snapped there (15.4%). First of 4 straight years this area would be king, although this lot led in sightings only this year: the alley behind it (alley 2) became the ladies' top toilet of choice the next 3 years. Up-date 2009: no sightings. With a constant police presence in the lot, ladies rarely pee there anymore.
2001: 181 pee sightings, 20 pictures, ladies peed in 46 different spots where women piss. Top spot: alley 2 leads for the 2nd time (tied for top in '98), this time all by itself with 34 pee sightings (18.8%). 2 of my 20 pictures snapped there (10%). Up-date 2009: no sightings.
2002: 132 pee sightings, 13 pictures, ladies peed in 41 different spots where women piss. Top spot: alley 2's 2nd straight year at the top with just 17 sightings (12.9%), dropping from last year. 1 of the year's 13 pictures snapped here (7.7%). Up-date 2009: no sightings.
2003: 168 pee sightings, 6 pictures, ladies peed in 41 different spots. 3rd straight year as the top spot for alley 2, again with 17 pee sightings but a smaller percentage of the year's sightings (10.1%). Police coverage in the area was heavier, resulting in the pee sightings being a smaller percentage of the bigger crowds as the peeing was being pushed out of there. None of the year's 6 pictures snapped there. Up-date 2009: no sightings.
2004: 101 pee sightings, 5 pictures, ladies peed in 23 different spots. This year began a 5-year explosion of sightings at the RTD block, 2 blocks south of the now cop-infested big active parking lot and alley 2 behind it in the middle part of the pee sightings area. There was also lots of new construction and development throughout the sightings area beginning this year, gobbling up a lot of productive parking lots as the spots ladies peed in dropped from 41 to 23. The RTD block was the big winner, going from 11 pee sightings in 2003 to 30 and the top spot this year, 29.7% of the sightings. I snapped 3 of the year's 5 pictures there (60%). Up-date 2009: 16 pee sightings, dropping it to 2nd after a 5-year run as the top sightings spot.
2005: 147 pee sightings, 8 pictures, ladies peed in 36 different spots where women piss. The RTD block sets a record with 41 sightings for one location, 27.9% of the year's pee sightings. I snapped half my pictures there, 4 of the year's 8.
2006: 127 sightings, 14 pictures, ladies peed in 36 different spots. RTD block again led with 40 pee sightings, 31.5% of the year's sightings and again produced half of the year's pictures - this time 7 of the year's 14 pictures and a record for most pictures in a single location.
2007: 95 pee sightings, 5 pictures, ladies peed in 28 different spots. 4th year at the top for the RTD block with 38 sightings, a record 40% of the year's total. And a record picture percentage, snapping 4 of the year's 4 pictures for 80% of my pictures in a single location. But in October they added a late bus and started keeping the terminal building open later, 2:30 a.m. Instead of the usual 1:10 a.m. closing time. Most of the pee sightings there happen during that time, I knew that would hurt my totals.
2008: 89 sightings, 1 picture, ladies peed in 22 different spots where women piss. The RTD block led for a 5th straight year, but it's total dropped to 22 pee sightings and 24.7% of the sightings. My only picture of the year was snapped there, but I don't consider that 100% to be a record - at least 5 pictures before I count the percentages. More construction has taken a few more semi-productive spots where women piss, the ladies are running short on places to pee with just 22 spots used.
2009: 104 pee sightings, 0 pictures, ladies peed in 22 different spots. Alley 3, across the street on the block north of the RTD block, led with 22 sightings (21.1%); no pee sightings pictures here or anywhere this year.
How did this alley do back in 1993, my first year? No sightings, I hadn't come that far north yet in my pee sightings work. I got my first sighting on the RTD block in '94, just 1 sighting and got my first sighting in this alley in '97 - again just 1 sighting.
Overall, the 19 top spots where women piss have produced 405 of my 2289 sightings (17.7%) and 40 of my 240 pictures (16.7%). Much smaller percentages in both areas than you'd think and when I think of my best pee sightings and pictures most of them did not come in these heaviest-used spots where women piss.
The lesson here? While it seems natural to watch the areas where the most sightings would be, the real pee sightings gems happen in other little-used spots where women piss where you might not expect to get a sighting. When you think about it, that makes sense: ladies being the way they are, they don't like to pee where they know everybody else has peed...we already know this from how many ladies hate using toilets in crowded bathrooms where lots of other ladies have peed and a lady who has to pee doesn't think about finding a spot where a lot of other people have peed, none of that enters her mind. She wants to find a clean dry place that doesn't stink, where nobody will see her peeing. That actually makes it pretty amazing that so many ladies go to the same spots! Seeing all these numbers in the same place really shows how my working sightings area (number of spots ladies peed) is shrinking!

2010 will bring more changes I'm sure, as more construction is planned in some of the remaining sometimes-productive areas that remain. The RTD block again looks like it will be the center of this shrinking pee sightings area, even though construction on it's replacement (a few blocks away) is supposed to start this year and the current building's days are numbered. That might not be a bad thing though, it's still in the heavy traffic area at closing time and there wouldn't be bathrooms to go to anymore for the ladies walking by needing to pee.

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