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Mature Pissing. Woman Pees in the Street in Public!

Dear Readers,
Pee puddle shot this week!
After debating about it Saturday night I went out for sightings, got a huge surprise as I got 5! Suddenly I have 7 sightings for April in 3 outings, more than double the 3 I got in April last year when I was out on more nights. 9 sightings in this disjointed year, actually better than the 8 I had on this date last year.
These ladies amaze me, apparently these new ones want me to start going there more which they're telling me loud and clear by peeing! I'm glad this area of my life continues to be fun and productive, I will find ways to continue my sightings work. I got good views of 2 of the sightings and the desperation was wonderful, ladies making mad dashes to outdoor spots for emergency pisses before they peed on themselves. The 5 sightings are the most I've had in a night since I got 7 on the last Saturday night of Oktoberfest last September.
A seasonally cool night, night temps around 50 but it felt colder. The crowd in the sightings area seemed smaller, again gas prices keep rising and making everything else more expensive so at some point I'd think it would have to affect the sightings area crowds. I was actually out on this same date last year, my late hour lady count showed 270 more ladies tonight than last year but overall for the month the average is nearly 100 fewer ladies per night than in April last year. I expect crowds will continue to decline through the summer if gas keeps going up and it will affect me too as my likely landing spots after I leave here will be further away from the sightings area so my drives would be longer.
Sunday, 1:04 a.m.- During my first pass through the busy area a lady walked by me who caught my attention: a mature lady wearing a long (ankle length) tank top white/green print dress. She had thick below-shoulder reddish hair but an old-looking face, was with 2 other younger-looking ladies. They were leaving the area as I was passing through, I noticed her because she was so older looking than all the 20-somethings around her. I walked around the block as usual, 2 blocks later I saw the 3 ladies again passing a newly-constructed office building with a ramp in front of it. The older lady was walking on the ramp with the other 2 on the sidewalk below, suddenly the older lady stopped by a building window and hiked up her long dress and squatted. I walked around the block as usual, 2 blocks later I saw the 3 ladies again passing a newly-constructed office building with a ramp in front of it. The older lady was walking on the ramp with the other 2 on the sidewalk below, suddenly the older lady stopped by a building window and hiked up her long dress and squatted down facing the street! I was across the street and had a mostly front view of her, her thighs pressed together and feet spread making a triangle with her lower legs. I could hear her loud splattering from across the street, she was taking a hard piss! Suddenly she didn't seem old an unappealing, she looked very sexy - so much so I ran across the street unzipping the camera bag for a possible shot even though I didn't think I'd get there in time. Her friends had walked off to the next corner leaving her by herself, but since she was facing the street she'd be able to see me coming. But just as I stepped into the street to cross to there she finished, standing up and quickly yanking up her panties after an approximately 15 second piss and walking to the end of the ramp and down it's steps to her waiting friends on the corner of the block. Watching her walk off I just marvel at how quickly ladies can get their clothes out of the way and pee and get themselves covered up just as quickly after they finish and not splash themselves!
piss puddle by desperate mature woman As they crossed the street I went up on the ramp to her puddle by the window and snapped this shot, it was average sized with the most noticeable thing being her footprints walking away from it as her feet were in the middle of the puddle when she peed. Passing by there about an hour and a half later her puddle had just about completely evaporated, a 'dry' piss made up of mostly alcohol so she had been drinking - probably quite a bit.
2:03 a.m.- Over at the RTD block's south (shuttle bus stop) end, so many people were milling around at the corner parking lot across the street I went over there. Among the group around the food cart there was a young bridal-party group of ladies, the bride carrying one of those big inflatable penises which of course guys walking by had to comment on. I wasn't paying much attention to them until I heard a voice shriek, "I have to go NOW!!" I looked over at them to see one of the ladies bolt from the group, average height/build with below-shoulder black hair wearing jeans and a sweater. She ran through an opening in the fence of the parking lot and through the lot to the row of cars by the building wall at the other end, going up between cars to the wall and turning around fumbling around unsnapping the front of her jeans and quickly pushing them down. That area had always been dark but lights high up on the wall light most of the area now, so I could see her. She was squatted in a front view, had I gone in right when she did I could have gotten the shot but decided to just watch from outside the lot. One of the other ladies was watching her too, laughing at her. After about 20 seconds she stood up and pulled up her jeans, walking casually back out to her friends. I didn't go over to look for her puddle.
2:11 a.m.- I had crossed the street back to the RTD block when I saw a group of 3 ladies and 2 guys who had been around the food cart outside the lot I just left entering the parking lot. Suddenly 1 of the ladies took off running, heading towards that back row of cars by the building where the lady just peed. She was early 20's with blonde hair in a ponytail wearing jeans, the other 2 ladies ran after her. I crossed the street back to there and entered the lot, the blonde went between 2 cars near where the earlier lady just peed and quickly yanked down her jeans and squatted. The other 2 ladies wanted to squat by her but there wasn't enough room, they started rummaging around the nearby cars looking around for a spot. The 2 guys walked over and stood in the gap between cars where the blonde was peeing, laughing at her as they watched which made the other 2 ladies go back towards the alley before squatting between 2 cars near the space by the alley. Both peed together, desperate enough that neither wanted to guard the other and let her pee first. I went back outside the lot where I watched the earlier lady pee, could see both areas although the guys in front of the blonde blocked my view of her. The 2 ladies who peed together came out first, about 20 seconds later, then the guys walked out with the blonde following them. The other 2 ladies were taller with long black hair, one slim and innocent-looking wearing black pants while lady 3 was chubby also wearing black pants. With those areas being so heavily peed in I didn't go to look for puddles.
It is so wonderful to see ladies this desperate that they're running through parking lots and peeing in front of watching people! After this weekend's ladies I'm concluding the average lady takes about 12 to 15 seconds to pee, not including the time they take pulling clothes out of the way and squatting. I base this on the 100's I've seen over the years and trying to get shots, unless I'm right there with them (which I rarely am) I need about a 20 second or longer piss to get there and get a shot, so many of them I just miss getting there in time so they're taking about 15 seconds.
Had a surprising incident that explains to me why it's such a meat market there. While waiting to cross a street a group was crossing towards me, 2 ladies and a guy who seemed oblivious (as many are) to the cars driving by that were about to hit them. Lady 2 who was bringing up the rear was noticeably tipsy, petite with below shoulder brown hair wearing jeans. As the first 2 passed me lady 2 looked like she was stumbling towards me, I moved out of her way but she stepped over towards me and fell into me, which kept her from falling to the ground. She looked up at me, I stepped back to let her pass but she stepped into me again this time pressing her body tighter into me. It was like a slow dance for a couple of moments as she went with me every time I tried to step away from her, keeping her body tightly pressed against mine. Finally she looked at me and said "Sorry!" in a weak voice and finally stepped around me, her friends a few feet away looking at her. Most of these women are cute enough that doing stuff like that will get them fucked, I was not far from grabbing this lady myself as she was feeling good pressed against me! More of the charm of my sightings area.
My update: With nothing still showing any signs of happening on the job front I will start packing up my stuff here and preparing to move somewhere (likely cousin's house) next month. I will stay here until sometime in May now since I know I still won't have a job, leaving before the foreclosure date (May 27) and officially becoming 'homeless'. The full effects of this will hit me once I leave here, until then I'll try to keep things as normal as I can. I have no clue when anything will get better as I prepare to leave here, I'm working on e-mails to my congressional representatives in Washington blasting them about allowing this country to deteriorate to the point where a college graduate like me is being forced into homelessness with no chance of getting a job for almost a year. I'll ask them to explain to me why this country no longer works for people like me, whereas if I were mentally or physically disabled with no education and a criminal record there would be help available.
April's not done yet, 2 more weekends. There may be more sightings to get this month!

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