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How to Hold Your Pee. Pelvic Floor Exercises. Kegels Audio Demo! Pelvic floor peeing exercises, pee stream sounds, squeezing while peeing, so erotic!

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This special pee sound file is ready now!! It's what I call my stop-start pelvic floor peeing, it's really my kegel excersises to help my bladder hold more pee and to make sure that I don't leak!
How to hold your pee in a difficult situation and avoid embarrassment, it's what I do all the time!
Except of course, I enjoy holding it, but I think if you listen to this and how I cut off my pee stream and then re-start it, it may give you a clue as to what the medics are on aout when they say things like 'practice your Kegel exercises', or to 'strengthen your urinary sphincter'. It's how, over the years and sort of incidentally, I've improved my bladder capacity. I love the hissing this peeing style produces though, it's amazing, the pee hisses like a snake when I clench my sphincter to shoot my pee out and then to stop abruptly. Then I squeeze my bladder muscle to squirt another powerful little 3 second jet out, my pulsing jets of beautifully clear pee, me pushing and tensing a completely dry stop in quick succession, it's horny as hell and it's so good for my waterworks!

Recording my how to hold pee, stopping mid stream and restarting all the way through a big pee, but dying
            to let it all go!When my bladder's full and I'm talking to my client and lapping up my free drinks, I'm secretly thinking to myself how I want to go and do my pee! Honestly! My client is talking business and I'm thinking, power? No, too many women in the line. Silent? No, not in the mood, I want to make a bit of a splash. Kegels with hissing? Yessss! I can do a lovely stop start pee with the hissing - and so it goes on and in the end I can't concentrate and I have to break off the conversation and get peeing, I become obsessed like I'm on a pee mission and I long to let it all go.
Some of these stop-start pees are done while hovering over the pan with the seat down - I never touch a public toiet seat, I occasionally pee on it, there's always some of my pee spray on there, but I never touch it.
You'll hear how good I am at stopping my pee stream, it's a clean cut off, but only for a second, then I squeeze and gush again, oh I do enjoy my peeing, it gives me so much pleasure, so, so much. I'm so pleased I can share it with you by this audio method, I hope you enjoy my efforts V x
This mp3 audio recording finishes with one of my monster stop and start pee classics, a lovely two minute pee!

This recording is 32 minutes long and is compressed mp3 format x

This is only a short sample of the actual recording

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FREE-Distended Bladder Story V1-Long Peeing V9-Sexy Mixed Peeing
FREE-My Desperation Story V2-Stop Start Pee V10-Pissing Contest
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HOW WOULD YOU LIKE LOTS OF MY PEE FOR FREE?? (48 out-takes lasting 46 minutes)

Hi, it's me! I'm having a clear out of my failures - my inability to pee properly!!
My phone has loads of my peeing on it, peeing sounsd that for one reason or another don't quite make the grade, I'm quite hard on myself, I like quality.
There's a whole load of this 'junk' - and I don't want to thrown them all away. For example: ones that are too quiet, (Cascade will put all these in a zip file for me/us) there's my peeing that's too short where I thought that I'd got a loaded bladder!
The microphone on my phone is very sensitive and it picks up my tummy gurgling (I hate that). Also, in my early days there was distortion where I held the microphone too close to my vagina. Oh yeah and when I record my pee at home, like an idiot I sometimes leave my bathroom window open, such a stupid girl I am - so there's traffic noises over a classic bit of peeing! Doh!
There's also an attack of the squits (which was totally unexpected). I get very disappointed when my bladder and I don't make the spec we're aiming for, like if I'm so looking forward to doing a power pee and I haven't been drinking the right stuff and my bladder won't cooperate, I can't power for toffee. Also when my pee won't hiss, why? and when I run out of pee just a few seconds short of my goal dammit.
Also my experiments which are too numerous to mention, but if you've read my pages and you've bought my stuff, you'll know what I mean. But my pee stream has a mind of its own, my biggest problem is when I power up for a gush and it just turns into a spray like a watering can and goes simply everywhere!
So there you are my faithful pee fans, you'll get this free pee set when you buy anything from my site, I think it's sensible to give things to those who appreciate my 'work' than throw it away and it's gone forever, don't you? If you've been one of my happy wanky customers and you want to recieve one, write to me, I will acknowledge you xx V

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