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These are her pee sounds Victoria's recorded on her phone for you.

When Victoria's drunk, she gets so out of it that she hardly knows where she is, it's quite normal and her friends look after her, they pack her in a taxi and send her home, 'it's normal' she says.
But she doesn't realise that she's absolutely full of pee, her bladder is twice its size, it's big and bulging, but her body is so numb she really can't feel it. Anyone else would have peed their pants hours ago and even though she's stopped drinking for the night, her bladder is still filling from her last intakes of vodka and orange (and they're BIG glasses too). This drunken scenario happens quite regularly, Victoria never has been able to hold her drink, she enjoys the social side of her work so much, she gets really carried away when her clients are buying!
They always leave around midnight or so, by then she's only tipsy, but when she's with her friends in the early hours, then she starts to party.
Victoria's a pretty girl, well dressed, well mannered, comes from a lovely family, she's quite charming and always up for a challenge.

I guess it's OK to hold your pee when you have a big bladder? But even big bladders like hers get filled to the point of retention - and that's what she does, sometimes unintentionally, but we think she knows what she's doing. When she's dancing round and acting the fool, you can see her phone in the back pocket of her jeans, you can also see the prominent bulge at the front, her bladder is divided into half her waist band's so tight, surely, alarm bells must be ringing?

her distended bladder just won't co-operate and it just lets out a quiet tinkle

I love to watch my pee coming out of me when my painful swollen bladder is so full when I'm drunk. Finally, after what seems like hours (and probably is) you see her checking her back pocket, this is a clue that she might be on the verge of releasing her bladder emergency. At last she is seen wandering off to the staff toilets, she's still clued up for recording bless her. She'll be clenching her sphincter now, her bladder is going on auto and trying to pee for her, all she has to do is get to the toilet and lock the door, get her jeans and pants down and sit on the seat.
Victoria is so drunk, the picture to the left shows her drunken peeing position.
You'll hear an instant, short pee jet, then there's a pause - then the pee show starts as Victoria tries to get her pee stream started from her tightly filled bladder, she comes around from her drunken stupor and realises that she's overdone it - again! All the pee she's done so far was the tube full in here urethra that her bladder chucked out at the beginning, now, even with all the coaxing and gentle pushing, her distended bladder just won't co-operate and it just lets out a quiet tinkle. Although this is erotic, it's not a nice loud pee, the pee is really struggling to come out.
On more than one occasion she'll give up on trying to do all of it and come away with her bladder still half full!
We're just grateful she remembered to press 'record'!

This is the sort of peeing you can expect on this download, even though they're one after the other, in reality, they're days or weeks apart.

Buy this and get your 46 minutes of my peeing out-takes for FREE!

This is only a short sample of the actual recording

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LOTS OF FREE PEE! (48 out-takes lasting 46 minutes)

Hi, it's me! I'm having a clear out of my failures - my inability to pee properly!!
My phone has loads of my peeing on it, peeing that for one reason or another doesn't make the grade, I'm quite hard on myself, I like quality.
There's a whole load of this 'junk' - and I don't want to thrown them all away. For example: ones that are too quiet, (Cascade will put all these in a zip file for me/us) there's my peeing that's too short where I thought that I'd got a load!
The microphone on my phone is very sensitive and it picks up my tummy gurgling (I hate that). Also, in my early days there was distortion where I held the microphone too close to my vagina. Oh yeah and when I record my pee at home, like an idiot I sometimes leave my bathroom window open, such a stupid girl I am - so there's traffic noises over a classic bit of peeing! Doh!
There's also an attack of the squits (which was totally unexpected). I get very disappointed when my bladder and I don't make the spec we're aiming for, like if I'm so looking forward to doing a power pee and I haven't been drinking the right stuff and my bladder won't cooperate, I can't power for toffee. Also when my pee won't hiss, why? and when I run out of pee just a few seconds short of my goal dammit.
Also my experiments which are too numerous to mention, but if you've read my pages and you've bought my stuff, you'll know what I mean. But my pee stream has a mind of its own, my biggest problem is when I power up for a gush and it just turns into a spray like a watering can and goes simply everywhere!
So there you are my faithful pee fans, you'll get this free pee set when you buy anything from my site, I think it's sensible to give things to those who appreciate my 'work' than throw it away and it's gone forever, don't you? If you've been one of my happy wanky customers and you want to recieve one, write to me, I will acknowledge you xx V

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